Amaka Property Developers

How it works

Developers who have been pre-qualified under the Affordable Housing Program are eligible.

The developer will be issued with an offtake Guarantee by Amaka TPS and once houses are complete, he shall hand over title documents and occupation certificate in exchange for full payment by Amaka.

Project selection is done in accordance with preferences of members of the portal, and a proven track record will be key to selection. Key terms are:

Agreed offtake price

Agreed number of units

Agreed delivery date

Project delivery as per the agreed standards


Key Considerations

Developer to be issued with an offtake Guarantee by Amaka TPS. Once houses are complete, the developer handovers the title documents and the occupation certificate and gets paid in full by Amaka TPS


Other Matters

Developer to meet set quality criteria Housing projects listed on the Amaka Fund Portal

Comprehensive coverage that meets your Housing requirements.

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